Repercussions of E-liquid Taxation: Between Public Health and Industrial Influence

Repercussions of E-liquid Taxation: Between Public Health and Industrial Influence

11 heures ago / by Master Vape / 2 mins read

The Impact of the New E-Liquid Tax in France: A Setback for Smoking Cessation Efforts

The recent proposal to tax e-liquids at €0.15 per milliliter in France has sparked significant controversy, raising critical questions about the balance between fiscal regulation and public health efficacy. According to the Fédération Interprofessionnelle de la Vape (FIVAPE), this tax could adversely affect the progress made in smoking cessation efforts and might play into the hands of the tobacco industry.

A Severe Blow to Smoking Cessation

For over a decade, vaping has been established as the primary tool for aiding smokers in quitting tobacco in France. With its less harmful approach, vaping has helped reduce the tobacco industry's customer base by nearly 4 million people. However, the introduction of this tax on e-liquids could reverse this positive trend. FIVAPE highlights a potential price increase of 38% for liquids used in rechargeable devices, a hike that could discourage many users from continuing their smoking cessation efforts.

Tobacco Industry on the Offensive

It’s crucial to note that the tobacco industry only holds 15% of the vaping market, with independent actors dominating the remainder. The proposed tax would disproportionately affect these independent players by significantly increasing the cost of independent products while leaving tobacco industry products relatively untouched. This includes single-use devices and closed systems, which would only see a price increase of 7.5%, making less polluting and more sustainable alternatives less appealing.

Risks of an Inappropriate Fiscal Policy

Critics argue that the proposed policy could reflect undue influence of the tobacco industry on French regulations. By taxing e-liquids, not only does France risk deterring the use of vaping as a cessation tool, but it also may favor the short-term commercial interests of the tobacco industry at the expense of public health. Additionally, this measure risks encouraging a black market where unregulated products could pose increased health risks.

Call for Policy Revision

In light of these issues, FIVAPE and other key industry stakeholders are calling for a reassessment of this tax. They advocate for an approach that differentiates products containing nicotine from those that do not, to effectively support cessation efforts while generating tax revenue without compromising public health goals.


The decision to tax e-liquids in France is a significant point of contention between public health and industrial interests. As the country aims to reduce smoking rates, it is crucial that adopted policies support this goal without creating unnecessary barriers for those attempting to quit smoking. The future of vaping and its role in public health in France will largely depend on how this tax is implemented and adjusted.

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