Vape-Actu-2, Actualité-E-liquides, Santé

Répercussions de la Taxation sur les E-liquides : Entre Santé Publique et Influence Industrielle


How to prepare your own e-liquids?

3 anss ago / by / 2 mins read

Rather than buying e-liquids, it is possible to prepare them yourself. The Temple of Vape gives you its advice, mentioning all the elements to have and all the steps to respect to carry out its little drumming.

Charging: USB or charger charging ?

3 anss ago / by Master Vape / 1 min read

A real dilemma for vape enthusiasts, the type of charging to adopt is debated. Here are our tips for not taking the trouble anymore!

What is the Bottom Feed?

3 anss ago / by Master Vape / 1 min read

The vocabulary of vape is tedious and the Bottom Feed is here to prove it. A short explanation of a truly essential concept.
Showing 24 to 27 of 49 (9 Pages)

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