Débutants, Conseils

De l'importance de bien choisir sa box électronique

Conseils,Nouveautés,Vendredi Suggestions 

La VI En Rose, Brunhilde SBS Box & G-Priv Pod Pro Kit : the Little Suggestions of the week #4

2 anss ago / by / 3 mins read

The end of the holidays is unfortunately approaching and the beginning of the new school year is slowly coming to an end. To alleviate the spleen that is coming, Le Temple de la Vape distills its good advice and products to hold urgently to make his experience vape a happiness of all moments.

The case for switching to rebuildable

2 anss ago / by Master Vape / 2 mins read

The vape experience goes far beyond the simple pleasure of inhalation. As proof, getting into rebuildable is a lot of fun. Exposed.

Direct or indirect inhalation, what choice to make ?

2 anss ago / by Master Vape / 3 mins read

Faced with the different types of prints, it is sometimes difficult to find your way around. How do you know which one will suit you best? Le Temple de la Vape explains it all to you, and gives you some ideas to explore.
Showing 30 to 33 of 45 (11 Pages)

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