Vape News, Health

Vaping and health

Vaping and health

2 anss ago / by Master Vape / 2 mins read

Beyond the simple symbolic benefit of quitting smoking, many benefits are visible to the ex-smoker in the short and medium term:

- Improvement of breath

- Restoration of lung volume

- Recovered taste and smell

- Improved sleep

- No more tobacco smell in the mouth when waking up

- No more cold tobacco smell on the skin

For some time now, scientists have been studying the many benefits, real or supposed, of vaping on the body. And their conclusions seem more than encouraging:

NB : The text below is taken from an article by Serge LE FAURESTIER, published on the website of La Vape du Cœur. You can find it here by clicking on this link. 

Yes, there is a benefit, visible quickly, to switch from cigarettes to vaping. A landmark study identifies cardiovascular benefits as early as one month after switching from smoking to e-cigarettes.

Dr. Farsalinos published on his blog the results of a JACC (Journal of the American College of Cardiology) study on the beneficial effects of switching to vaping when you're a smoker, contradicting some of the rumours to the contrary. This study also contradicts the cliché that only exclusive vaping has a benefit on cardiovascular health. A study recently published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) provides some very interesting news for smokers who have successfully quit smoking with e-cigarettes


Improvements in vascular function were observed as early as one month after the switch. Similar improvements were seen in those using nicotine and non-nicotine containing e-cigarettes, debunking a common myth (which has already been disproved by snus research) that nicotine contributes significantly to smoking-related cardiovascular risk. 

Even more remarkably, improvements in vascular function were observed even in those who did not quit smoking completely, but who significantly reduced their smoking. This is another important piece of information, especially for those who still insist that dual use (which includes vapers who smoke one cigarette a day or smoke less than every day) has no benefit or may be associated with higher risk than smoking alone. The study published today is groundbreaking. It should be seriously considered by scientific societies in changing their approach to the issue of e-cigarettes. Although the study made no comparison with other methods of quitting smoking (or quitting without any help), this is irrelevant. Everyone should encourage smokers who are unable or unwilling to quit using approved medications to try e-cigarettes in an effort to quit. 

In addition to the cancer risk reduction benefits, we now have an important study showing improved vascular function in a very short time that could translate into a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

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