Banning flavours in e-cigarettes: a threat to vapers and the independent sector

Banning flavours in e-cigarettes: a threat to vapers and the independent sector

2 moiss ago / by Master Vape / 1 min read

Introduction: Since the launch of the NCPC’s anti-svape campaign, vaping professionals an
d vapers have been concerned that flavours are being banned in e-cigarettes. Fivape conducted a survey which shows that 86% of vapers are "very worried" about the idea of such a ban. In this article, we will explore why such a ban could be detrimental to vapers and the independent sector.

Impact on vapers: According to the Fivape survey, vapers are concerned about the prospect of no longer finding the products that allow them to carry out their tobacco cessation process. The aromas in the vapor are not intended to seduce minors, but rather to create attractive recipes for major smokers. Banning them would therefore be an attack on consumers' freedom of choice and could encourage them to return to tobacco.

Impact on the independent sector: Banning flavours in e-cigarettes would also have significant economic consequences for the independent vaping sector, which accounts for 15,000 direct and indirect jobs. Specialty shops build their support on the diversity of recipes, and offering only e-liquids taste tobacco would greatly reduce the supply. Vape products manufactured by the tobacco industry could then become the only ones available, which would be detrimental to the diversity and quality of the supply.

Conclusion: By banning flavours in e-cigarettes, health authorities could harm the tobacco cessation process of millions of vapers, as well as the independent vaping industry. It is important to work closely with vaping professionals to find solutions that address consumer concerns while ensuring their health and safety.

source* La Fivape

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